Eskimos or Esquimaux is a term referring to aboriginal people who, together with the related Aleuts, inhabit the circumpolar region, excluding Scandinavia and most of Russia, but including the easternmost portions of Siberia. They are distinct from the Aleut, although together the Eskimo and Aleut are considered of different origin from the other Native Americans. There are two main groups of Eskimos: the Inuit of northern Alaska, Canada and Greenland, and the Yupik, comprising speakers of four distinct Yupik languages and originating in western Alaska, in southcentral Alaska along the Gulf of Alaska coast, and in the Russian Far East. The term "Eskimo" is not acceptable to those of Canada and Greenland, who prefer Inuit; however this is not appropriate for the Yupik whose language and ethnicity is distinct from the Inuit.
Thursday, March 24
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